Tuesday, February 2, 2010

from sunday til now

So, I have been internetless since sunday. I will try to update you on what I have been up to since sunday... I don't really want to fill you in with al the details, but I will do my best to give details. On sunday we went all over Guatemala city, as well as going to a cemetary, local dump, and the local mall. The mall is nicer than any I have seen in the US, and the prices are the same. It's crazy to see that they are the same because they don't make much money here, and for many, feeding the family is a struggle.

After our small trips, we packed our bags and left for Magdalena. 45 mins later we arrived in the homes of our host families. Magdalena is in the mountains, so taking a bus up there was a tad bid freaky! at one point the drives had to back the bus up the mounain. The roads here are soo skinny, so this was very impressive! Every host family was waiting at the top, and watched as our bus backed up the mountain.

Our family lives in a very humble home. The bathroom and shower is outside...and we can NOT flush the TP. I love the family that we (Terra and I) are living with, but I must admit that I am jealous that no kids live with us. Every other student here lives with at least one nino.

As I stated before, Terra is my roommate..I enjoy her very much! She has no filter when it comes to bodily functions, and I enjoy this mucho! it's funny esp when we are all having some weird changes... I have yet to experience those. Yesterday she was very sick, was barfing, and other things.. WELL the toilet wouldn't flush, and I stumbled upon this. At first I thought..."ohhh Terra puked...after that, I began dry heaving. haha and had to leave the bathroom. It was quite funny.

We are busy all day..so much so that I went to bed at 8:30. Today my group members and I walked up and down the mountains from 8:30......Whoops I must go. The bus is leaving

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